How To Accept Online Payments With PayPal And Stripe

By Arc Media
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Everyone knows what PayPal is. You’ve probably used it to buy things online and to pay for auctions.

Did you know that PayPal can also be used to accept credit cards at your site?

You don’t need to use an expensive merchant account that’s extremely difficult to set up.

PayPal has you covered, and you can do more than peer to peer payments.

Set Up Your Own Shopping Cart

Having a shopping cart on your site is extremely important. You need to make sure that the customers can buy when they’re ready.

You don’t want them to have to go through unnecessary processes that will make buying too tricky.

People want to buy and pay for the item when they see it.

If you make them jump through too many hoops, they’ll buy from another site.

You’d do the same thing, and that’s the truth.

Sell Digital Products Quickly And Easily

Everyone knows that digital products are big money makers.

You need to act when the iron is hot. Instant downloads are so important if a customer has an interest in what you have to sell them.

No one wants to wait hours or even days for a download link to be sent to them. They want to download the digital product within moments after paying.

Using PayPal will make it happen, and it’ll all be effortless.

The customer will have their product, and you’ll get paid for it too.

PayPal Is A Name Everyone Trusts

When was the last time you gave your credit card information to a payment processor that seemed sketchy at best?

Everyone at some point has done it while hoping nothing bad happens to their card.

Customers trust PayPal, and they’re familiar with their services.

Your customers will trust the PayPal logo and know they’re protected.

PayPal is accepted worldwide and everyone who shops online knows who they are.

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Shipping Time Ready to ship in 4-7 Business Days
Location Eastern Cape, South Africa

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